Monday, July 16, 2012

The Boss and The Bureaucrat

Last night I had thought about adding my literary voice to the multitudes who shook their collective heads in amazement that bureaucrats in London wouldn't let a couple of senior citizens named Bruce and Paul stay out past curfew to sing a few songs for their fans in Hyde Park.  But curfew is curfew.  Rules are rules. The letter of the law will be obeyed even if the Spirit In The Night suggested otherwise. 

Now, the thought of pulling the plug on The Boss is kinda amusing.  Considering his reputation for playing three hour plus concerts the thought that the only way to get him off the stage is to cut the power and make him go home would be of the highest compliment for him and his band.  The bureaucratic fear that he might entertain the public into infinity unless he was stopped should put a smile -or big grin- on any and all Boss and E Street Band fans.  But he is an American and when in London...

But.  But...  Mr. McCartney?  Sir Paul McCartney?  A Knight!  If only he had his horse and lance.  A knight and Member of the British Empire is unceremoniously told he can't stay out past 10:30pm and play with his friends.  This is now the second time the city of London has shut down a concert involving Paul.

Not only did The Boss give the public more than their money's worth with a three hour plus concert he threw in a mini Paul McCartney and the E Street Band featuring Bruce Springsteen concert as an added bonus at no extra charge only to have it all pretty much immediately shut down by the powers that be because they were more concerned with rich neighbors of the park instead of a public that was having a wild but innocent time courtesy of two artists grateful for and to their fans.  Bureaucrats are rarely talented and also rarely grateful to and for anything except themselves and their rules.  And that is why the concert ended the way it did.

This never would've happened in Asbury Park.

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