Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I, as of this writing, have a follower to my blog.  That makes me a leader.  I am a leader.  I take my responsibilities as leader seriously and will not let my follower down.

My first act as leader will be to dole out (Bob Dole was a leader) gingerbread houses to all the homeless.  This will also solve the hunger problem in my blogdom.  You see, a leader is always thinking.

Many have asked me (actually, nobody) that since I have solved the homeless and hunger problems what will I do about the naked problem amongst my soon to be multitude of followers.  Yes.  I agree.  There is not enough nakedness in my blogdom.  I will most certainly rectify this problem once I solve more pressing matters that need to be ironed out.

Why is the sky blue?  Hey! Who put peanut butter in my chocolate!?  Who put chocolate in my peanut butter!?

Thank you for following my leadership.

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